Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Texas Toot

Fifteen enthusiastic viol players are working with me in Dojo classes and consorts this week at the Texas Toot in Austin, TX. On Monday we stretched, practiced taking bows, learned the Folia variations by rote, and played The Honiesuckle, The Silver Swan, Gloria tibi trinitas, the Taverner In nomine, the Pickforth In nomine, Jenkins' Pavane à 6 #2 and more. With four class sessions every day we can get a LOT of work/play done!

The class members are Ferne Allan, Sarah Harriman, Dave Martinez, Natalie N. Morgan, Hazel Mosely, Kim Shrier, Nancy Ellis, Cynthia Mahlau, Paul Downs, Stephanie Stuart, Jon Walters, Gerry Priest, Wnedy Brockett, Frank Shirley, Bev Wills, and Victor Eijkhout.

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