Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dojo Meeting, February 19

Yesterday's Dojo was very fun and deluxe.

In attendance were Martha Bixler, Ella Blood, Jackson Blood, Walker Blood, Susan Daily, Janet Hassett, Hans and Judy Lie, Deborah Peters, Linda Plotkin, Sig Rosen, John Mark Rozendaal, and Heather Spence.

We practiced open string bow strokes; G-Major Scale; Folia variations; Dojo Book 2, numbers 6 - 10; John Wilbye's 'Happy Streams Whose Trembling Fall'; and William Byrd's fabulously In nomine à 5 # 5.

Next week (February 26) our practice will include Dojo Book 2, numbers 11-15; and John Wilbye's 'Change Me O Heav'ns'.

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